Cultural Heritage

Period June 2020 - Current

Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Innovazione (PON) 2014-2020 Project - Attraction and International Mobility (AIM) (Azione I.2, AIM - Linea 1)

The project aims to structure a digital ecosystem for cultural heritage by supporting the digital transition of cultural heritage through the design and implementation of a software platform accessible online as a means to enable citizens to interact with cultural heritage more closely and in different ways. The realization of a smart environment in which portable device applications and multisensory instrumentation will form the basis of a technical approach that will exploit cutting-edge technologies to support the generation of a dynamic ecosystem. The project aims to: (i) Overall improve the availability of high-quality data on open platforms and social media and increase access to rich and diverse content for transmission in space and time, lowering cultural barriers and increasing public participation. (ii) Provide learning experiences and social entertainment that will contribute to a better understanding and reinterpretation of cultural heritage.

Project website here

Smart Construction

Period January 2018 - October 2018

EIT Digital activity #18014

Smart-Construction is an innovation activity supported by EIT Digital in the field of digital industry providing holistic solutions to automatically monitor workflows and tasks on construction sites. Within the framework of this project, we have developed a product for the automated synchronisation of digital drawings and documentation with the actual progress of the construction site. It integrates portable computing and IoT technologies developed for deployment on construction sites.

Project website here

ALLOW Ensembles

Period July 2013 - January 2016

ICT-2011.9.10 - FET Proactive: Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems (FOCAS)

The objective of ALLOW Ensembles is to develop a new design principle for large-scale collective systems (CAS) based on the concepts of cells and ensembles. Cells are basic building blocks representing the different components of the system and ensembles are collections of cells collaborating together to accomplish certain goal in a given context. We use Adaptive Pervasive Flows – a programming paradigm based on workflow technology for pervasive systems – to model the behavior of cells as a set of interrelated tasks. This enables the salient principle of cell specialization. It allows for changing the behavior of the individual cell (tasks and order of execution) to fit into an ensemble and to achieve a given goal with high utility in collaboration with other cells of the ensemble. The ALLOW Ensembles concepts will be investigated on the basis of two scenarios that become increasingly relevant on the European scale: Integrated urban mobility and smart production chains.

Project website here

Project demo video here